Does my but look big in this?
An Exercise in happy-regardless-ness.
They say that being happy is a conscious choice but what does that mean exactly?...
The easiest instruction Ive found to help answer that question is to go ahead and think of something that makes you happy right now and really be in the emotions of that memory, its sights , its sounds and even its smells , be happy and see what it feels like consciously.
Most of us are able to engage in something Ive found, perhaps a babies birth , a puppy dancing on YouTube , or a night out with friends etc
So being consciously happy can be possible.
However, when Ive asked this with clients , Ive often had some conclude this exercise with a big
“yes BUT”
And they begin in earnest, to list a myriad of reasons why this feeling can’t last ....
Please don’t get me wrong, yes, real life has challenges , and some will really really hurt, but maybe not all of the buts have to be big ones.
and so I encourage them (and you) to :
take a moment (either in session or with someone they trust and feel safe to listen ) to write these reasons under the title BUTs Big and Small.
Then Mark each one out of ten to see how big a negative they really are (0 = neutral 10 = Really big)
Next with the help of the fresh eyes of another begin to see how big their BUTs really are, and if there are ways to address their impact ....
eg...the news is so depressing...Q) can you reduce your intake how much , for how long etc
or my finances are in a state.....Q) can you get advice, reduce the debt etc And so on ....
for every reason aim to reduce the size of the buts there and then
and see if there are even ways to let these Buts go once and for all
Because , unlike the song, in this instance
we don’t like big buts ...and I can not lie lol
Reach out at if you’d like my help with this or other techniques to be